Family Support
Each family is asked to support the school by volunteering and participating in the Raise Right program. Volunteering allows families to share their talents and connect with our school staff and students. Volunteer time and involvement enriches our students’ lives. The Raise Right program reduces the necessity of Sacred Heart students to engage in additional fundraising activities.
PALS Volunteer Program
The PALS Program (Parents Assist Learning in Schools) is responsible for educating, registering, and monitoring volunteers for the various activities in which volunteers are needed. The PALS program is a parent/guardian involvement program which requires a 20 hour service commitment. This commitment is required to help keep school tuition down, while maintaining our emphasis on individual growth and learning. It allows parents/guardians to be involved in the school and their child(ren)’s education. It also provides the teachers more time to spend directly with your child(ren).
Virtus Safe Environment Training
The Diocese of Boise requires that anyone volunteering with children must complete their Safe Environment Trainings. The first training must be an in-person one and each year thereafter, can be an online training class. All volunteers must create a new account through the Virtus program.
Raise Right
The Sacred Heart Raise Right Program (formerly SCRIP) was founded in 1997 as a supplemental fundraising activity for Sacred Heart Catholic School. This program allows Sacred Heart Catholic School to receive a portion of the purchase price of gift certificates from hundreds of national participating retailers. The Raise Right program was implemented to reduce the necessity of Sacred Heart students having to engage in additional fundraising activities. The money generated by this program helps keep Sacred Heart tuition costs down, and allows our children to maintain focus on their education. The minimum Raise Right purchase commitment, per family, is $1000 for the current school year. If a family chooses to waive their commitment, they may pay $500 at registration to fulfill this obligation.
The access code to create an account with Raise Right is A53791AD1365