K-8 Activities
Spiritual Enrichment
Our students live and grow in their faith by participating in Mass on Friday mornings, Monday morning prayer services, Stations of the Cross during Lent, school-wide retreats, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and other prayer traditions and devotions such as the Rosary and Crowning of our Blessed Mother. We also have a full-time campus minister/religion teacher on staff who helps guide our students in putting their faith into action through regular volunteer work, visiting homeless shelters, and coordinating service projects and retreats that encourage our Catholic identity.
Other activities of spiritual enrichment include:
- Bible history, Christian values and Catholic traditions are taught daily in religion class.
- Grades 5th through 8th regularly devote time to adoration.
- 2nd graders may participate in First Reconciliation and First Communion Retreats.
- During Lent, 8th grade students participate in a moving production of The Living Stations.
- Jr. High Rally for students in Grades 6th, 7th & 8th at Bishop Kelly High School.

Sacred Heart offers a Drama Club for all students in 2nd-8th grades. This extra-curricular activity culminates in a Winter and Spring play in our school gym. Students have fun and work on their public speaking abilities. It is a favorite of students and families!
Future Cities
Sacred Heart sends students to the Future Cities competition at Boise State University each Winter. Students work to build a model of a city 100 years in the future and create a presentation and written paper to accompany the project. In the last 4 years, Sacred Heart has had a team in the top 5.

The Science Olympiad
The Science Olympiad is a state and national competition designed to improve the quality of science education, increase student interest in science, and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in science education. Students achieve these goals through a combination of classroom activities and after school study sessions.
The Science Olympiad has been part of the Sacred Heart culture since 1993. That year a team of 15 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students participated in the Science Olympiad for the first time and placed second in the state. From that point on, the upper class students have been “hooked on science”. Since 1993, Sacred Heart has been to five National Science Olympiad tournaments as the Idaho Junior High School representatives.
Science Olympiad consists of 23 separate events covering all aspects of science, including Earth, Life, Physical, and Technology. A student participates in several events (usually with a partner) over the course of a single day. Each event is challenging and motivational. An event may require knowledge of scientific facts, process skills, concepts, and/or scientific applications. A team consists of up to 15 students from the same school, possibly competing against schoolmates.
Each year, Sacred Heart brings multiple teams to the state competition. To prepare for each event, parents, community volunteers, and parishioners offer their services in areas in which they are familiar or in areas in which they would like to become familiar.
Students begin studying one or two days per week before Christmas. The state competition usually occurs in early April, with the National competition held at a major university in May. As we travel across the country, our students have the opportunity to see great university campuses and to meet kids from all over the nation.